Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Rock, Paper, Scissors!

Note: This is not normal, this is simply an artistic, poetic, and boring break from sanity that is much too long about an easy subject. I should be back by the time of my next post.

'Tis the night after Christmas, and in one in the van,
A thought came into mind, and now typing is his hand.

Rock, paper, scissors starts as a guessing game, but can have an art. Winning mainly relies on watching, testing, probing, examining. You can begin to see how long until they break out of pattern, their certain responses to the actions taken at different times, forming a mental picture in your mind. After faking it for a while, you strike!

Using your mental grid, you counter his evrey move, foil his plans, while still gathering data! Bwahahahaha!!!

Now, your opponent may be using the same plan. That is my it is imperative that you keep monitoring your opponent at all times. If they change unexpectedly, so must your battle plans. That's about it.


P.S. This was actually written on an iPhone, but published later.

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